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what should a programmer do on his birthday? (Its my birthday on the 17th)

I need to plan in advance so I can get some people together or book something, but what is a thing that would further my programmerness, are there any programmer things to wander off and do? im in London.

Incidentally I expect some birthday codes, perhaps if you guys worked together night and day without breaks you could code me something respectable :P

I want to celebrate being a programmer and an old git.

EDIT: perhaps someone could organise a "its devonrevenge's birthday we had better code him something good or we are worthless people" thread.
closed account (3qX21hU5)
Do what you always do. Though one of my favorite things to treat myself to as a "geek" is technology conventions. I specifically love indie game conventions. So that might be a possibility if there is one around you.
devonrevenge wrote:
I want to celebrate being a programmer and an old git.
git clone devonrevenge

By the way I don't usually celebrate birthdays so much.
But this time I'm going to be 18, I hope it will be a good one, but I'm not sure it will be, especially because of the economical crysis here in Italy.
closed account (N36fSL3A)
What's your age? Do you have a girlfriend?

According to your edit, I'll organize an event for worthless people :P.
^^^^Aug 17, 1984 its on his profile

we should make a game called "devon's revenge" for him

EssGeEich wrote:

By the way I don't usually celebrate birthdays so much.
But this time I'm going to be 18, I hope it will be a good one, but I'm not sure it will be, especially because of the economical crysis here in Italy.

well your doing better than the UK and greece, besides, this might be the last time you can buy anything on your birthday.

am gonna be 29 and I have a pretty GF, she actually looks a bit like the girl in custers revenge XD
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closed account (N36fSL3A)
There's an economical crisis?

Anyway isn't it kinda weird your girlfriend reminds you of a girl on a Native American rape game?
Here we go again.
She looks remarkably like the girl on the cover is all, even my house mates think its uncanny.
closed account (N36fSL3A)

Anyway you could go to the bar or something, and make your friends pay for your drinks.
Lumpkin wrote:

Anyway you could go to the bar or something, and make your friends pay for your drinks.

thats a western tradition, I dont drink so much booze though it has just started making my belly feel weird, I think I might have worn out my booze glands.
devonrevenge wrote:
well your doing better than the UK

huh? Like, really?
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it depends how rich you are in the first place I guess.

am gonna be 29 and I have a pretty GF, she actually looks a bit like the girl in custers revenge

you may need a new pair of glasses sir
No no, and if I did why would I wear them??
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