using sfml 1.6?

closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
so im running ubuntu 13.04 ( :( ) and decided to test out sfml while i wait for some good tutorials to come out for sdl 2.0, and its good that i learn it anyways. however, when i ran sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev and i got sfml 1.6. it works fine, i used the tutorial for it and everything compiled fine, but is there a reason i shouldnt use it?
closed account (3qX21hU5)
Why not just head on over to and download the linux version? They provide one to work with GCC or you can compile the source if you are working with another compiler like Clang.

Generally even taking the new features that 2.X provides and putting them off to the side it is a good idea to keep up with the current version of a API/Library.
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2.x has been the stable release for awhile. Not sure why it's still not out in the standard repos.

Anyways, I would take the time to install 2.x (looks like 2.1 is out now). Adds a lot of new features, and it's generally just recommended to use new libraries when you can :)
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Builds do exist for packages:

However, Ubuntu official is pretty infamous for being out of date. For a time, the official boost package included was several years out of date, which was the main reason I originally didn't like Ubuntu.
I actually just built sfml2 on my Ubuntu 13.04 install. Was tired of libglew shenanigans... It was super easy.
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