anyone want to join

closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
if you do, please pm me because if i give you my referall code i get an additional 250 mbs of space. for anyone who doesnt know what koding is, it is a site that is kind of like a virtual machine on a website
Hey, I am trying it out... I am trying to log in with GitHub, but it won't let me. :/


EDIT: Realized I was supposed to PM. Oops. :P
Should I delete?
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closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
it doesnt really matter. ill pm it to you anyways
closed account (1v5E3TCk)
I am here.

Edit: I saw that it is a Turkish site but doesnt provide Turkish language -.-
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I have an account there already :(
Has someone figured out how to run SFML apps on I've tried but I haven't had any sucess
I heard you couldn't. Though you might try ssh-ing from another terminal (ie from your computer, not from koding) and adding the -X flag, then from there run your SFML program. If this doesn't work, you might need to configure X on the server.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
You can compile SFML on the server but you probably can't run them without a running Xorg server (which is difficult to setup without a native graphics driver, although its still possible with framebuffer support at the driver level on Linux).

I'm currently searching for a few ways to forward USB packets to the server so I can test my drivers (instead of possibly causing my system to become unstable). It's also more useful for web production and interpreted languages, especially if you're on a Windows desktop yourself. For instance, setting up a CGI service using C++ via Koding is a lot more convenient than going through some other service or setting up a web server on your own desktop (which I do on my own Linode server anyways though).
Thank you ResidentBiscuit ssh-ing is the perfect solution
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