13th Birthday!

Pages: 12
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Okay, so on November 17th, I'll finally become a teenager. I already know what I'm probably getting, that's going to be:

- A Raspberry Pi
- Some cash
- New laptop battery (or a new one altogether)

What are you guys going to do for me? ;p

The first thing I'm going to do is play a rated T game!
Sure. Because you have never played a T rated game before
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
funny story... the day before i turned 17 (im not too big on birthdays because they dont mean too much to me) i forgot tomorrow was going to be my birthday and had some free time and money, so i went to target to buy a couple of games. one was skyrim and i forget what the other was. anyways they wouldnt let me buy it because i wasnt 17 yet. i was so out of it that i forgot to tell them i was turning 17 tomorrow :p... anyways...

im probably going to get a raspberry pi for christmas, since the rest of my family is going to disneyland but i have work.
/off topic

ill get you the same thing i got devon revenge ;)
closed account (N36fSL3A)
No his present was bunz. ;p

Sure. Because you have never played a T rated game before
Heh heh heh...
Here's the simple story: Unlike everything every has ever told you, life really doesn't change much. I was really disappointed that nothing happened differently when I turned 13.

But anyways, I've heard Raspberry Pi's are really amazing. What'cha gonna do with yours?
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closed account (N36fSL3A)
But anyways, I've heard Raspberry Pi's are really amazing. What'cha gonna do with yours?
I was thinking of a weather RC plane, but I gotta save up more money for that.

Here's the simple story: Unlike everything every has ever told you, life really doesn't change much. I was really disappointed that nothing happened differently when I turned 13.
Huh? I wasn't expecting anything to change.
Lumpkin wrote:

Huh? I wasn't expecting anything to change.

Well, I was.
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J4ke wrote:
Well, I was.

Depends on the person as to whether it changes. Honestly nothing changes until you hit the milestones (Driver's License, Work, Home, Bills, Family). Otherwise every year and day is the same boring day.

My milestones was incident when I was 9 years old, license, work, bills, family...not got home yet. My bday was Oct 30 and I was happy as can be because my wife as the only one that bothered acknowledging it.
Must of been a player for a 9 year old or something.
No, the milestone in my life at 9 years old was that on December 5, 1990 three men robbed the station my father worked at and killed him. Goes back to "Depends on the person as to whether it changes." remark I made.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
while that is very sad, i think what they meant is that the birthday itself has no meaning. i mean it might for you, but not the act of going from 12->13. honestly the only two birthdays i care about is 16 (for driving) and 18 (because im an adult and then me and my friend will start dating but thats another, longer story). but honestly every other birthday hasnt meant that much to me. i usually forget tbh
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Well 21 too because then you can drink alcohol (you're actually an adult as well).

I'm sorry for not saying happy birthday to you BHX, I didn't know.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
meh i dont care for 21. i can become addicted to anything (its why i write code so much, regardless of my skill level) so i dont want to drink, smoke, or do drugs. like ever
closed account (N36fSL3A)
I mean like you're finally able to do anything, 18 is like a pre-adult.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
I mean like you're finally able to do anything, 18 is like a pre-adult.

well 21 really the only added bonus is you can drink and go into clubs. there might be some other stuff but its 18 when you get a bunch of benefits

I mean like you're finally able to do anything

except get the early bird special at hodels :'(
Happy Birthday!
closed account (1v5E3TCk)
Happy Birthday and go and buy Arduino instead Raspberry Pi. It is easier to use and code if your project isnt making a terminator :P
Arduino and raspberry pi's aren't really the same.
Arduino is a micro-controller.
Raspberry pi is a micro-computer.
closed account (9wqjE3v7)
^True, though from a superficial perspective, you could say that there is nothing stopping a microprocessor performing operations of a micro-controller. In the earlier days, aside from the amount of memory, the differences were imperceptible.

*BTW: Happy birthday for tomorrow Lumpkin!
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closed account (N36fSL3A)
Pages: 12