JFK: Your belief

closed account (13bSLyTq)

Long time...since we had a debate about these types of controversial topics. Anyway, the discussion is about what you think about the Warren Commission's finding about the JFK assassination.

I do not think Lee Harvey Oswald could actually fire 3 shots in 5.6 seconds that too with the Car moving at 11 miles an hour. He cannot have acted alone. That too with fear, nerves, adrenaline rush & wind at 15 miles towards him making it difficult to see openly. As for George Hickey not too sure either, first being the bullet hit the car from the front breaking the cars front glass before striking John F Kennedy.
However George was seated at the back. Next George could never had the chances to get the bullet directly to JFKs head without some level of time duration in which the CIA\FBI or Secret Service could have easily removed George.

I believe it would have been job of Cuba NOT the Mafia especially because soon after JFK Jr. was killed under strange circumstances. It must be the Cuba (2 men), with Lee Harvey Oswald taking the first missed bullet and the cuban men being set at one behind the car. The reason is because 2nd bullet came from the back which hit him in the back. The bullet apparently bounced from the floor towards JFK. Because he spoke "I am hit", this should normally be impossible to say if your windpipe has been poked through. Therefore it was possible it bounced. Additionally a Eyewitness also did complain about some spark on the floor before JFK was shot in the neck.

I believe the 3rd bullet must have been near or on the street level keeping in mind the eyewitnesses complained about smelling Gunpowder.
It is said that also Fidel Castro knew about this plot from the beginning but failed to alert Secret Service.
Next during the autopsy many Secret Service agents threatened doctors there to give false information such as X-rays.

What do you think?
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
What do you think?
I think you will never know for sure what happened.
I think you will never know for sure what happened.

I agree, and it is probably the best answer this thread will ever produce.
closed account (13bSLyTq)
Someone here must know, for instance Secret Service they probably already hunted the assassin down. Nevertheless I believe that they must know about this. I mean be honest, how can the most powerful secret service be dimwitted by 1-3 assassins, that too using gun which are massive and heavy. Additionally, it is bound that anyone would ensure security on vantage points especially the rooftops.
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Make sense to have JFK killed, He wanted to criminalize the people behind the federal reserve and other such banking schemes the founding fathers didnt want america to be any part of.
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Someone here must know, for instance Secret Service they probably already hunted the assassin down.

Yes because the probability of a member on this forum being part of the SS and making it publicly known and giving out the desired info only like 1 in 10^(9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999!).
well actually its a lot less script coder, there could well be a handful of people who know, I bet they are well smug about it, how many old smug and still powerful politicians are tehre?
Ok this thread won't come up with nothing because there are always different opinions but here are my meaningless 2 cents:

As OrionMaster the American SS wouldn't have a parade without proper security such as roofs and such so I think it came from the inside. They were all over the car and all. If someone fired a bullet into the air the entire protection team would surrounder JFK and start shooting to the windows and all. So if someone of the team shot him no one would even notice because there would be so much noise that no would be able to see where the shot came from
well actually its a lot less script coder, there could well be a handful of people who know, I bet they are well smug about it, how many old smug and still powerful politicians are tehre?

Okay fine let me be more realistic then: lets assume that there are 1000 people who know this information and are currently alive (there are probably way less). And as of writing there are at least 7 billion (7 000 000 000) people, so already you have a 1.43x10^-5% chance of randomly picking this person out of the population. The you still have to factor in: will they tell you? what is the probability that they would be on this site?
At the time of this posting the thread is forked:

Anyway, just an interesting fact, continue.
The video footage does not show the president being surrounded by security. They also did not start firing randomly at all windows (how many civilian deaths do you want?).
I don't think there is any doubt that Oswald did this shooting, however, why did he do it? I think he personally wanted the president dead, for his own reasons, and do not believe in any massive conspiracy.
Come on Mats don't ruin this. Everyone wants it to be mass conspiracy. JK

I know they didn't but I was just putting an hypothesis.That plan could be easily executed. Just have someone fire a bullet into the air, a CD hanging on a roof to look like something is reflecting the sun. The chance is that the agents would start to shoot a lot a that and it would be easy to someone to shoot a round in the president head. Of course this meant there would have to be a moll in the SS and that was able to integrate the president taskforce and that is kind of impossible
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closed account (9wqjE3v7)
@script coder, see what you did there...
well script coder you can rule out everyone who is not american, illiterate and older than 60 (unless the secrets been passed on) and your 7billion is a lot smaller.
How exactly can you rule out non-Americans?
How exactly can you rule out non-Americans?
closed account (13bSLyTq)
Still..for example the assassin could have been american who was annoyed with JFK (Hopefully bigger reason).
K time to come clean I think...IT WAS MEEEEH!*flaps arms in straight jacket*
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