This is why you shouldn't shop at WalMart

Pages: 123
closed account (3qX21hU5)
Cheraphy wrote:
ACA wasn't the right solution to start with (single payer, anyone?) but the roll-out that was botched was what caused the dissaster that it is. And we can thank the house for that one.

That just isn't true. The house (I assume you mean republicans since they control the house) had nothing to do with the development of the system or with it's testing (They did 1 load test...) or the launch and not one of them voted for the law. So it is quite hard to pass blame off on them.

That is only taking into account the website issues with the roll out, I won't even go into the rate hikes, canceled policies, forcing people to buy insurance, ect.
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Disch wrote:
I guess you're right. Some millionaire might only make $4000 when the stock goes up a quarter point instead of $8000 when it goes up a half point. That's a pretty serious problem. Much more serious than hundreds/thousands of families struggling to feed their children.

For real. You think its better that corporate gets paid than poor humans starving? That is just harsh. Look at the bigger picture. The higher ups gets paid way more money than the average worker. Why can't they just donate the food themselves instead of depending on normal workers to donate for them. That's a wicked double edged sword right there.
You are correct Zereo, I was misinformed.
@kingcong: He was being sarcastic...
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Lol, clicked that link and didn't mute the chiptune techno and it added a whole new level of energy and feel good to his rant.
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Pages: 123