Should I know GUI to become programmer

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Hi. I have been studying C++ for a couple of years and I started studying C# as my second language. My question is - Should I know how to program the General User Interface by myself? For example if I become a C++ developer, am I supposed to write the logical part of the code and also the user interface with Qt or another tool?
Or is there a person in the team who writes the logical part of the project and another who makes the interface?
closed account (EwCjE3v7)
It would be nice and you would have a better chance of being hired. But some companys might have different people who are really skilled in that to do it. But like i said it would be great for you to learn it.
i would recommend that you learn GUI programming as it will help you to understand what the other programmers are doing (assuming that there is another person doing the gui) but if you learn it then you probably have a better chance of getting hired.
is there a person in the team who writes the logical part of the project and another who makes the interface

Depends on the company: in a 5-person startup, everyone does everything. In a corporation with thousands of C++ developers, work is a lot more granular, and chances are higher that UI is not done in C++, at least in my experience. It won't hurt, but it certainly isn't a requirement for top level jobs.
closed account (N36fSL3A)
You can get away without if you're looking for lower level jobs.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
Your contradicting exactly what Cubbi said, i'd trust Cubbi's word over yours.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
while i agree that we should trust cubbis over a lot of peoples, i fail to see how that contradicts it, it in fact agrees with cubbis last statement. its saying that its not a requirement neccesarily at any level. you could be an entry level programmer and only write behind the scenes stuff. you could also be one of the top managers and be doing that
I think xerzi's right here, lower level jobs would be more likely to require knowing GUIs for the very reason Cubbi stated.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
Lower level being smaller companies, hence knowing a little bit of everything would encompass said topic, hence you cannot "get away without". If what pumpkin was referring to as lower level being "freelance" jobs than yes you can apply for jobs only without gui but i wouldn't call that lower level just say what it is, ie freelance jobs.
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Cubbi wrote:
it certainly isn't a requirement for top level jobs.
Lumpkin wrote:
You can get away without if you're looking for lower level jobs.

@DTSCode: It sounds like a contradiction, to me. He said the exact same opposite thing.
Frankly, what Lumpkin said simply doesn't matter. He's a kid who has no experience with jobs in general, let alone programming jobs. He has nothing to contribute to threads of this type.

For the same reason, I'm confused as to why CaptainBlastXD thought he should be the first person to respond.
closed account (N36fSL3A)
I meant as in lower level programming... not small companies, lol.
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Lower level programming != GUIs? I want to let this die, but seriously console-only is beginner stuff (It's a very good place to start but GUIs are a must to get anywhere).
but seriously console-only is beginner stuff (It's a very good place to start but GUIs are a must to get anywhere)

The creators of the GNU Compiler Collection would probably respectfully disagree with your assertion.

Lumpkin is kid. You can pretty much ignore anything he has to say about how professional software development works.
The creators of the GNU Compiler Collection would probably respectfully disagree with your assertion

Yes... yes they would. Though I'd bet my left arm that they are very proficient in GUI programming, and (possibly) that they would themselves recommend it as a logical next-step to console programming.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
i apologize. i didnt know you meant smaller companies. i thought you meant like a more entry level job at say blizzard, where i imagine there are a lot of people there that know it, but one of the lackeys dont neccesarily need to know it.

@sargon: i dont think they would... console programming is still a very good thing to learn. if you want to run a server you dont want to use a gui. on my raspberry pi i dont use the gui to free up ram.
i dont think they would... console programming is still a very good thing to learn

Ok... I agree, hence the phrase
logical next-step to console programming

I'm not saying "don't bother with console programming, or learn GUI programming to console's detriment", I'm saying if you think you're getting quite good at programming (I say programming in general because most people begin with console) and aren't quite sure what to do next, consider giving GUIs a try. If you end up programming professionally, you're almost guaranteed to need it (I know... not 100% guarantee, but c'mon, it's very likely).
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Try taking a CLI program and making a GUI for it. There are tons of projects that this could be done for and it's 100% productive.
sargon94 wrote:
console-only is beginner stuff (It's a very good place to start but GUIs are a must to get anywhere).

As a personal anecdote (I am not actually monitoring job postings or gathering statistics), the highest-paying job posting I've seen this year was up to 300k/year for a C++ programmer in NYC, to maintain and extend a core infrastructure C++ library. No GUI, no CLI, just a deep core library, similar to parts of Boost in functionality (the recruiter did his best to be vague, but I am pretty sure I know that team - it's hard work).
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