Good at finding things?

I need to find a story over the internet. It seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. A friend of mine wants me to read it, please do not judge me or him for such information. The story is called "friends please dont go" I was supposed to read it a long time ago but I have been busy. Since then it has disappeared. Anyways I have a cryptograph of the original url on my machine. If you wish to visit the website please note that I'm not into any of that stuff. Please help me find it.


Don't debate me about what's right an wrong.
Is this it?

I found it after a quick Google of the web address you gave me
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Are you kidding me? I googled so many things with relevant keywords. I did url/directory doctoring and I came up empty! I feel like an idiot. I was so nervous to post this but I felt I had done what I could!

Anyways I would have to see.

EDIT: Just from the name Sasha I can see this is probably it. Anyways thanks. I will keep this open just in case this is not it.
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Yup it's it.
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