qt creator

Hi guys.

I have been using qt creator for a while now. And i am facing a problem.

Qt creator cannot detect all possible codes with code completion. It shows almost half of the possible codes and it slows me down. I made quite a lot of research and played with options of qt creator and no progress.

What can i do to fix it. Also i am open to any other compiler advice. But i use Arch Linux which means no visual studio.

Thanks in advance.

Maybe this is a question i sould be asking at Qt forums.
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Is code completion that big of a factor in your work flow?

I find it convenient, but hardly a "deal breaker", plus if you're using Qt you most likely wont find a better IDE.
No not that a big factor.

But i would love to have that feature better. Any ideas?
admkrk wrote:
Is code completion that big of a factor in your work flow?

This is just my opinion not trying to speak for the OP but for me it is a huge part of my workflow. In my opinion if the technology is there and it provides you a boost in productivity (Code completion is a major boost in productivity for me) you might as well use it.

When looking at how good a IDE is I usually consider 3 main features.

A) How good is it's auto completion features?
B) How good is it's refactoring features?
C) How good is it's debugging features?

There is of course also other feature to consider but for me them are the major 3 ones that I look for in a IDE.

Ceset wrote:
Qt creator cannot detect all possible codes with code completion. It shows almost half of the possible codes and it slows me down. I made quite a lot of research and played with options of qt creator and no progress.

What can i do to fix it. Also i am open to any other compiler advice. But i use Arch Linux which means no visual studio.

From what I have noticed from using QT Creator is that it's auto completion is lacking a bit when compared to others like VS with Visual Assist, but it is still isn't all that bad and haven't seen it missing things.

When you say that it only shows half of the possible codes what do you mean exactly? Is it only showing half of the members and member functions of a class? If this is the case then I am not really sure what the problem would be since it should be showing all them.

Or is it not showing all the object names? Like for it example it might only be showing QAction when you type "QA" but not QAuthenticator. If this is the case it could be something simple like you forgot to include the header files for what you are looking for, or you forgot to add the library it is in to the .pro file, or something else entirely.

Or is it doing something else completely? If you could give a bit more information on what it isn't showing or how it is acting weirdly we might be able to help.
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    // mStates is a map container
    // map is std::map<StateID, std::unique_ptr<State>>
    // StateID is an enum class
    // State is an abstract class that will be inherited
    // and it has update() pure virtual function
    // This shows no get() no update()
    for(auto& state : mStates)

    // Nothing after state
    for(auto& state : mStates)

    // Nothing is being shown after state.
    for(std::pair<const StateID, std::unique_ptr<State>>& state : mStates)

    // Everything is being shown except update()
    for(std::pair<const StateID, std::unique_ptr<State>>& state : mStates)

    // And if you wonder all does the same thing
    // and all works. 

This is the example.

Thanks for the answer @CodeGazer even if i wont be able to find a solution.
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