Code::Blocks is always blocking

closed account (jvqpDjzh)
The first time I use this IDE, when I try to compile, it's fast, but after a while it always begins to "not responding" before it tries to compile for a while. It's a bit annoying. I liked C::B because it was fast and doesn't need many space in memory to create a project, differently from VS, which needs at least 10-15 MB by default. I am using GNU GCC.

Can you dudes tell me what could be the possible problems?

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closed account (L6b7X9L8)
1. Did you update your computer/change options or files before this started happening?

2. Have you tried a complete uninstall and re-installing it?

I don't use CodeBlocks so I can't give you any specific advice.
closed account (EwCjE3v7)
I used to use Code::blocks, and it hasnt ever happened to me. Try reinstalling it and make sure u uninstall MingW with it and GCC
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