Fitting MS Visual Studio 2013 OnA DVD

Hi, I have not visited in a long time, so you probably do not remember me, but I need help. I want to install Visual Studio 2013 For Desktop onto a 4.7 Gigabyte DVD using the ISO, but the requirements say I need 5 gigs of available space. What are the chances that I could fit Visual Studio onto the DVD. If it is not possible, I ask for how long Microsoft will support the 2010 express editions.
And what will happen when VS wants to save some configuration files?
Maybe you should get a USB stick instead.
Configuration files should be stored on a per user bases which would put then in the users local profile folder. But otherwise I support the idea of a USB drive 100%, this is the correct solution for portability.
What makes you try to make such a huge monster portable...
What you said makes me want to put it one of those huge floppy disks.
Hate to discourage you but what you want to do is close to impossible; VS needs to touch too many areas of the system in order to run correctly.

Try something like PocketCPP:

Lite, fast, and portable.

You'll accomplish nothing but heartache trying to get VS to be portable. Visual Studio is not designed that way for a good set of reasons...
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