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  • Is CGI a good career to pursue? (opinion

Is CGI a good career to pursue? (opinions please)

Hi everybody, i'm here to ask a very simple question. What do you think of visual effects for movies? Do you think becoming a digital artist is a wise choice for a career? I'm thinking of applying to the 3d animation and visual effects program at vancouver film school (here's a link to their site: http://vfs.edu/programs/3D-animation-vfx) the school does look promising and i trust that the instructors will do their utmost best to help me build an exceptional reel. My dream job is to become a part of the supernatural crew (from the supernatural tv show :p) or the Game of Thrones team. I understand it's a competitive field, and i will do my best as always, any tips you could give me? Thank you for reading my post
From what Ive read (which I have no sources right now), it's actually a pretty terrible field. Incredibly overworked, very unstable, and not great pay.
A better place to ask would be http://forums.cgsociety.org/
You will see a lot of complaints like ResidentBiscuit pointed out, but if it is something you really love doing it is hard to say it is a terrible field.
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