Starting mobile app programming

My boss recently asked me what I know about mobile app development, to which my answer is not an awful lot (boss: "wrong answer").

Anyways I have previously seen that Unity is capable of making mobile games that compile to all devices (iOS, Android, WinPhone) but I know that using a game engine would be quite a bad move for such a simple application that we want which is quite simple. I thought that Visual Studio allowed you to create apps for WinPhone but I can't find a way to access it (and can't find a solution online).

I did some searching and found a few browser based multi-platform app designers, gave them a try and they're pretty damn awful if I'm honest.

Essentially I'm wanting a designer much like VS using the WinForms. But I want multi-platform support across the mobile OS's. And if possible an accompanying API for mobile related services such as bluetooth support.

I am continuing searching but wondered if anyone had any obvious recommendations? Thanks
Pretty much the only mobile-desktop crossplatform framework is QT... Unless there's more I don't know of.
As many like to point out, commercial license isn't out of the box.

Edit: Will be posting everything I find that might be related.
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Sorry I didn't have much time and forgot to add that the language isn't really toooo important depending on what kind of development software any packages use.
For example I've not actually done much programming in VB at all before starting work but have been working in it (somewhat) just fine because of the VS designer helping out an awful lot, and me just adding the backbone. Essentially I want something that can replicate that for mobiles.

Even if their's not many decent "all-in-one" app designers it's perfectly viable to have a designer for Android that I'll right in Java (I'll have to learn that), then a separate designer for Windows Phone (which I imagine would've been VS if it bloody worked), and then another separate designer for iOS (And I'd also have to learn to code that). Provided that they all contain the same functionality and can all do what is required.

You could also just program the apps in C/C++. Just make an abstraction layer with a common interface for each platform and maintain them. That way, instead of programming 3 apps, you're programming a single one, just with different backends. Visual Studio works fine as an IDE if you plan on doing that. Just make a "makefile" project and you should be good to go.
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There is always Cocos2d-x which supports all mobile platforms and desktop platforms. Though it is more geared towards games and other real-time apps but I have seen it used for simple form based mobile apps also. Worth a look at least.
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