Manage your time?

closed account (yR9wb7Xj)
How do you manage your time with learning c++ in between you have work and school for college? I just got a job and I start in two weeks, summer school already started, so now I'm not sure if will have time to code and because of this I am sad. I'm thinking to change my mind and tell them something important came up and I decided I cannot work there. That way I can continue to learn c++. My summer classes are at night from 6 to 8. I have my first exam next Monday, and we just started yesterday? Wtf lol! What should I do?
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
My full-time job (when I was getting my first degree) consisted of:

1) Loading a spindle of CDs on an optical printing machine
2) Pushing a button
3) Waiting 10 minutes
4) Putting the CDs back on a spindle
5) Repeat Steps 1 - 4

Technically I was working roughly 10-20% of the shift and screwing around on github for the remainder unless the machine broke which case I got to fix it, as I was the only on-call mechanic.

Some jobs don't require 100% physical and mental focus -- is your job one of them? If so, why not digest your C++ readings while working? Just don't let it negatively affect your job performance.
closed account (yR9wb7Xj)
I start as a waiter at Olive Garden in two weeks. So it will be hard to do that lol. I guess I have to learn how to balance time between school, work and learning c++. I was thinking to eliminate work because that's going to take so much time from me learning c++ since I'm a waiter, and it's 6 hours shift ends in the afternoon and then from there go school in the late evening until night. Then come home study for school, because summer school is a fast pace. I already have my first exam on monday. I have a lot of respect for people that work go to school and do activities they enjoy, like programming for me, because that is hard to do.
I mostly learned C++ from a book during boring lessons in high school.

that awkward and funny moment when my science teacher yells at me and asks me a question as it looks like I've not been paying attention for the last half hour... answers question strait up... science teacher silent :D
"No, you're wrong" - science teacher
"But he's right isn't he? " - student that hasn't got a clue what bluffing is
"Shut up, don't tell him that" - science teacher


PS: I wouldn't recommend that unless you're very well studied in the subject you're skipping out on, very good at multi tasking, or very good at bluffing (just like me in a-level chemistry after a bad night, falling asleep in class XD )
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closed account (yR9wb7Xj)
Lol! Yeah, I wouldn't be able to do that, if the teacher ask me a question, I would feel so much pressure on answering his question because I was not paying attention.
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