C++ programming advice

closed account (i8bjz8AR)
Hi guys, I attend University and just a beginner to programming. I'm in discrete math and computer science 1. So far discrete math is going well, as I aced my first test and following the logic very well. However computer science 1 is going alright. I love coding and trying to debug and programming so far in general, but I did have some trouble on my first exam, getting a 65/100 (d-). Some kids in my class have been programming since high school and I do not have this experience. My only concern is learning the material to get through this class and tto move onto computer science 2 next semester. My next exam is in two weeks,and I need to do well on it. On our last test, we had multiple choice, a few short answer, and had to write two programs. The programs went well, making only minor mistakes but cost me a few points, but the multiple choice hurt me big time. Exam 2 will cover things from expressions, making decisions, loops and files,functions, arrays, sorting arrays, and we'll probably get into pointers before the exam as well. We have a textbook but it's kind of hard for me to follow. Are there any books on amazon you guys would recommend? Not necessarily of practice tests but of basic c++ material that you feel could be beneficial for a beginner? Thanks!
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