Lazarus (Object Pascal) IDE

closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Has anyone tried the Lazarus IDE?

I miss the ease of being able to mash up a quick windows GUI prototype in Delphi, and just wonder if having this IDE might be worth the clutter of yet another compiler on my computer.
Looks pretty cool. Not tried it.
It is buggy in some ways, but it is otherwise very nice and complete. I use it.
That's interesting. Do you use it for UI stuff?
Yes. Very convenient for writing GUI apps. Lazarus/FPC has the bonus that you can compile on multiple OSes with the same code (more or less).

There are some differences in the language. FPC's Object Pascal is the most correct variant, but it also accepts Delphi variations. The only major difference that may cause grief is that generics are implemented differently than Embarcadero's XE versions. (IMHO, FPC's OP is more correct.)

closed account (E0p9LyTq)

Nice to know your experiences, thanks for sharing.
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