OCD with coding

Pages: 123
I don't think I can. I'm using CodeBlocks and I can't find an option to make it apply AStyle automatically as I type.
Not OCD to the point I'll delete an entire project for aesthetic purposes, but I do spend more time than I'm comfortable admitting formatting for aesthetics. Code that isn't formatted correctly with clear scope limits, indentation, and spaces/comments between key areas in a program I consider unreadable and won't even look at. I don't even care that I'm looking something up that could be useful, if the code is a jumbled mess of nonsense, I simply won't bother.

I like to think the code I make, if I share it with you, is very clean, put together well, separated into meaningful areas by lines and comments, and generally as easy to read as possible. I'm asking for YOUR help, not the other way around, and as such it's my duty to make it as clear as possible for YOUR convenience. It's also just good practice and satisfying to myself. For example:

//lines of code that does something specific
//lines of code that does something entirely different that, while obvious, contains no breaks
//more of the above

It all just runs together and looks like a mess, and even if it's obvious, it's still ugly and complicates things more than they should be. If it's obvious, I'll insert a space between. If it's not, I'll still give it a space AND a comment.
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Pages: 123