Discord cplusplus.com

I used discord quite often for gaming, for communicating with functional programming club members at my old university, and for work. I thought that maybe a discord for cplusplus.com would be useful too. So I went ahead and created a server that has a few channels mimicking the forums here. https://discord.gg/z67Zk2z

Feel free to join and invite others.
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The invite link will guide you. Discord has desktop versions, mobile versions, and a web app. I left the server open to the public.
Up to 27 members now :)
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closed account (18hRX9L8)
Why Discord?? Just join our Gitter, https://gitter.im/orgs/cpluspluscom/rooms
Or be a 1337 haxx0r and join us on IRC: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/148441/
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Gitter is much more ugly than Discord if you ask me.
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