What was your first programming language?

Pages: 123
haha. 25 man, turned it last week infact. I am still very young as far as professional C++ developers go. I have been very fortunate thus far in my career to be able to work in environments where I can learn alot.

34? Close to retirement now ;)
34? Close to retirement now ;)

oh god.. no.. i'm older than all of you.. 38 now.. and not even a proffesional at anything.. maybe I should go get my Class A commercial license back and go back out on the road driving tractor trailers..

and leave the programming to you younger folk
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oh god.. no.. i'm older than all of you.. 38 now..

Not quite older than all of us, as I am 43... (Yes, that means I can remember watching the first Moon landing live on TV:-)

To go back to the 'Is Delphi a Real Programming Language' debate. my current job includes developing software in Delphi for banknote sorting machines - these are the high speed automated devices that Central Banks arround the world use to count and validate banknotes - If it's trusted for this sort of opperation (this includes automated destruction of forged notes) it sounds quite 'Real' to me...
Delphi is a real programming language. It's just Object-Pascal. Anyone who says it's not is kidding themselves.

I have developed petroleum station software with Delphi for a previous employee (deployed around the world)
Delphi was (and I assume still is) very good. I think because it was Pascal some elitist programmers (C types) may have turned their noses up at it.

The last company I worked for, the software dept used Pascal, on a Real Time Operating system on VME based hardware, so it wasn't exactly to be sneezed at.
Me? I began with C++ at about age 13, going on and off with it. I'm 14 now and am getting more serious about it. Renting books of C++, getting more "inside" the gaming and programming industry, etc.

I love the thrill of being able to create whatever can come to mind, long as the skill needed is known or eventually learned; as well as simply having fun with something that really makes you think.

In school, you learn about strategies to do different mathematical things, learn about scientific facts... With programming, you learn how a language works, learn the foundations and advanced concepts of it, then use it to accomplish one very complex goal.
I was looking up Delphi.. and suddenly saw something.. One of the tutorials mentioned a runtime dll.. bah..

I used to work with VB.. but quit it rather quickly. The reason was simple. I made a small app. Nothing too fancy, was one of my first apps. In fact it was kind of a joke. It had the button that moved every time you tried to click it.

I sent that app to a friend. and it wouldn't run. Turns out he needed a VB6 runtime dll, and a couple other dll's for the controls. I realized quickly that I would not be able to share anything I wrote with without making the customer check to be sure they had all the required files. Something I could not foresee making people do.

That's why I like C and C++. They run pretty much self contained, requireing nothing other than any dll's I happen to make, and the standard stuff that comes automatically with any installation of Windows.

Delphi needs a runtime dll? No t hanks, i'll stick to C and C++.
You can compile Delphi applications so that they are either self-contained (IE No Runtime DLL required, all code in exe) or as a smaller app + one or more runtime dll's.
So if you have a suite of applications all sharing common libraries, you can tell Delphi to compile so that you can ship the individual (small) exe's + common library dll's. That way, when you update a library, or add a feature to one app, you have a smaller update size.
Which way you do it is up to you.
My first programming was in the 5th grade. I was online using a BASIC interpreter running on an timeshared IBM 360 at the UN. The terminals were a teletype machine and an IBM Selectric, both with paper tape puncher/readers for non-volatile storage. The Selectric ran at 300 BAUD (wow), the teletype ran (well more like clunked) at 50 BAUD.
As I remember, the development cycle for a 100-line program was something on the order of a month or two.

When I built my own IMSAI 8080 (with 64K of RAM and 2 Shugart 8" floppy drives), I jumped into ASM (specially for the CP/M enviroment) and a compiled BASIC called CBasic. Development cycle cut down to a week! Excellent.

Things are much better now.
first program i learned was visual basic. used it for about a year. a friend told me if you really going to be that dedicated to learning a language you should learn c++. I hadnt even realized there was more then 1 language to even choose from. so i dropped vb and switched, My knowlege of vb slowly vanished but had taught me valuable basic concepts. I learned c++ and java was released shortly after. my thoughts was j++ wasnt going to last. that it would die out. so i didnt study it. that was a good 10 years ago. its obviously still around. so one day i will learn it also.

c++, c#, smalltalk are my interests atm.
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