The best enviroment for C++

Hi. I'am just a hight school student and I seek for the best enviroment for C++ (for me). I mean all I do (so far) is solving some algorithm problems in various traning areas (here in Slovakia we have several opportunities ...).

I'm using Windows XP (but I'm planning to switch to linux next summer). I don't actually need anything big such as Microsoft Visual C++. I have a slow machine and it runned so slowly, that it nearly drove me mad.

I decided to switch to something not so big and something, that would fit my needs. I would like to use the Vim editor and I was thinking of installing the g++ compiler (MinGW on windows). Do you thinks it's a good idea? Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks.
wxdev c++ portable

Fantastic, light.. and portable so you can put it on a USB stick
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
If you are profficient with Vim, then I highly recommend using it. Use whichever editor will be most effective based on your own personal skills.

I like Netbeans for C++ development, but it's rather heavy probably even more so than Visual Studio so that's probably out but if you want a full fledged IDE then I suggest code::blocks as well.

Later, when you switch to Linux I highly recommend KDevelop4. It's a full featured C++ IDE with the best code-completion I've ever used, and it also has a VIM mode for the text editor so I'm sure you'll fit right at home.
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wxdev c++ portable

Fantastic, light.. and portable so you can put it on a USB stick

I'm pretty sure there's a Code::Blocks portable version.
Online compiler :D
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