Feeding frenzy.

Pages: 1234
This reminds me of the vagina movie game, where you name movie titles but substitute in "vagina".

"The Vagina Strikes Back"
"Back the the Vagina"
"A Vagina Called Wanda"

It's actually a really fun game.

Fierce Vagina
Bill & Ted's Excellent Vagina
Journey to the Center of the Vagina
2001: A Space Vagina

EDIT2 (I can't stop!)
A Few Good Vaginas
Die Hard with a Vagina
Terminator 2: Vagina Day
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Vagina

Rumble in the Vagina
The Hunt for Red Vagina
The Vagina Before Christmas
Pirates of the Vagina
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Dawn of the Penis
28 Penises Later
Penis in Wonderland
The Good, The Bad and the Penis
Penis Wars
I dunno, IMO It's funnier with vagina ;P
I don't see how this all relates to cake, though.
The cake is a vagina
if (!maturityOfThisForum)
    std::cout << "Journey to the Center of the Vagina" << std::endl;

It outputs "Journey to the Center of the Vagina".
You can't have your vagina and eat it too.
V for Vagina
closed account (j6AqM4Gy)
And you guys told me to keep it PG-13 rated... There are children on this board (as in me, I'm 7)!

btw, The Darkest Vagina (Dec 25)
*desk* Males will be males, I guess. >_>

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m4ster r0shi wrote:
V for Vagina



Freaky Vagina
Vagina on Elm Street
How Stella Got Her Vagina Back
The Nutty Vagina
Mission: Vagina
Raiders of the Lost Vagina
A Vagina Runs Through It
Riding in Vaginas with Boys
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Vaginas
The 40 Year Old Vagina


Albatross wrote:
Males will be males, I guess. >_>

Actually, a girl introduced me to this game.

Once you get passed the immaturity of it, it's actually really fun and funny.
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Wow- this quickly got out of hand.... Can't leave you guys alone for more than a couple hours!
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I hope we don't end up needing proper mods for this forum. This thread definitely made me bruise my forehead... *wince*

gah you guys are so uptight.

Alright alright I'll stop =P
Vaginas are overrated.

Maybe this thread should go away... forever.

I agree 100%. And let's not forget who perverted it. Keep an eye on Disch from now on...
Oh wow.
I missed out, so it seems. Lucky me. Didn't want to get entangled in that perverted discussion. :P Anyways, let's get back on topic (which is off-topic).
Oh gawd, it is so not perverted. You guys are way overreacting. Loosen up. =P
Well done Kyon, you have eluded the crimson tentacles of a most abject exchange of lols, by means of absence.

Now back on topic... did that troll leave yet?
Pages: 1234