Programming invades dreams!

Yep so I've heard the phrase "dream in code" before, but thought it was just that. A phrase. Until last night, when I had a dream all about badly written programs and non standard functions. Woke up in a sweat.
I found this very odd. Ever happen to anyone else?
And so it begins...
I've had some dreams about programming before I think; probably about whatever I was working on before I went to sleep.
Same as chrisname for me!
I had a dream about polymorphism last night...
Lol. I only dream about certain projects I am very excited about :P
I only dream about glitchy games that I have never least, when I REMEMBER my dreams...
Never dreamed of code before, but I have woken up thinking in z80 assembly.
:O That sounds terrible
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
non standard functions

only a problem if the translation unit isn't properly protected from them.

I've only dreamed about code on a few occasions. Usually, when a `deadline` is approaching (deadline in the broadest sense, since I'm a freelancer), my mind races and I'm unable to even fall asleep.
Yeah, I dream in code too often, especially when I'm sick. It's like my brain is trying to program my life functions. And all thinking is done with code.

Very annoying.
Same here: when I'm not feeling well, I generally can't sleep, but stay in this "pseudo-sleep" state where my brain seems to be very active, but very random. I've often seen code in those moments.
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