Your Favorite GUI API

I'm developing a GUI system for OpenGL, and I'm unsure of what sort of approach I should take towards the design of the interface. I don't have much experience with using APIs other than WinAPI and GTK, neither of which I'm very familiar with anyway. What have you guys found to be the most straight-forward API available for GUIs?
C++/Qt. It does rely on some language extensions, but IMO it is a very straightforward and easy-to-learn API. :)

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Remember also that Qt was developed long before C++ was what it is today. The Qt language extensions are just fluff that you don't need.

+1 though, for slots and signals.
Looking at the sample code they have on their site, they use a lot of scripting to get most of their components configured, don't they?

If that's the case, then I don't really think that building something like that is the best choice for me...

EDIT: Was looking at the wrong part, give me a second...


Liking the signals/slots concept.
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Definitely Qt.
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