Profile managing forbidden in Yahoo?

Because apparently you're only one year old.
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Shouldn't one year old persons also have rights?
It's up to Yahoo! if they don't want people under a certain age (probably 13) to use their site. You could just lie (if you actually were a year old, which you're quite clearly not).
Ha ha! Itty bitty baby! Interesting choice of a forum to ask this question on, too.
But it's not as if Yahoo has a dedicated Questions/Answers site, am I right?
What should people in the age of 200 do?

Be dead. And forgotten.
Catfish2 wrote:
Be dead. And forgotten.

This is a very good idea!

We should make a memorial tablet for remembrance of our dead and their service for our holy works.
What? People still use Yahoo?
What? People still use C++?
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