K Language, what in the hell?

Just ran into someone posting this, didn't even believe it was a real thing.

{_ x*y%{:[~x;y;_f[y;x!y]]}[x;y]}/1+!20

Supposedly the solution to Project Euler #5.
It looks a bit like C, but main() is missing.
Yea, K is pretty awesome. It's the descendant of J, which is a descendant of APL. I find APL to be a bit more practical, mostly because of the IDEs and libraries, long history, and tightly knit community, but J community is closely intertwined with APL as well.. Don't really know about K all that much, didn't see it used in real life, but I've read a lot of good words.

J has a nice website, too: http://www.jsoftware.com/

As you go through Project Euler, look out for the J solutions on every problem's forum page
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What are you smoking, CatFish? That doesn't look anything like C. XD
@ Disch: I was only joking, but have you ever seen IOCCC entries?
Damn, one day they might come up with X language too..
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