creating a nes emulator in c++11

here are two videos of someone coding, compiling, and running a nes emulator in c++11. i posted this for people who have ever wondered what it takes to create a video game emulator.

paty 1: coding the emulator

part 2: compiling and running the emulator
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bisqwit? The hell are you doing here? hahaha I haven't seen you outside of nesdev before.

I abused the hell out of lambdas for my nes emu. I basically used them as local functions. Very handy for things like cpu opcode/addressing modes, and ppu pixel rendering and the like. Pretty much makes my emu unrunnable in Debug mode though, haha.
I like the color scheme. What is it?
bisqwit? The hell are you doing here?

ryanpeppers isn't Bisqwit.
That's pretty groovy mate. Did you fabricate it?

NES is programmed in all assembly, correct?

@disch How did you get your experience writing the emu? Are you sjper savvy in 8086?
ryanpeppers isn't Bisqwit.

Doh. The video was by Bisqwit so I got all confused. =P

@disch How did you get your experience writing the emu? Are you sjper savvy in 8086?

8086? no. 6502? yes.

I actually first got into NES emulation by writing NSF players, and then just moved on to making full emulators. I have been a part of the nesdev scene for years.
Mind = Blown. This was really really cool.

Does anyone know where you can learn this kind of stuff?
He has links to articles in the videos.
closed account (zwA4jE8b)
wow, that is some ridiculously complex stuff
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