XNA + C# vs SFML + C++

So , what do you think ?
It's the performance loss of the C# + XNA worth for an indie developer ?
I want to make a simple 2D game maybe make some 3D games afterwards and I wonder if XNA's performance loss is such a big deal :)
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For small games I doubt there'd be much of an issue.

I guess the cool thing about XNA (if you're willing to pay the $) is that you can release your games on Xbox Live. :-)
Neah , I'm just hobbyist :D but I think i'll try XNA and then , if I don't like it, go with SFML :D so at least I will learn a new language :)
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
I wouldn't really be concerned about the performance differences between the two, for what you are probably doing you won't notice the difference.

What I'd be concerned about is support. XNA has been pretty much all but completely abandoned by Microsoft, it won't be getting any updates, it's not supported by the newest version of visual studio, won't be supported at all on Windows 8, etc... Any bugs in the current implementation of XNA won't ever get fixed. Your software will also run only on Windows.

SFML on the other hand, is open source, and is actively developped, really popular and really well supported by the community. SFML-2.0 is just around the corner, and is shaping up to be an awesome API. SFML also runs on Windows, Linux and Mac so you can reach a broader audience. Also, if there are any outstanding bugs you can file a report and it will probably get fixed quickly or you can fix it yourself because it's open source.

Another option that is quite good is libgdx for Java, and it runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. It's similar to SFML in many ways, but you can avoid the pitfalls of native programming.
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
You could always make C# bindings of SFML that use XNA as a backend :O
Depends on your needs and what OSes you want to publish on. XNA limits you to Windows without a license and for $100 you can do Xbox Live and Windows Phone. While SFML makes it possible to publish on Mac, Linux, Windows and whatever portable OSes SFML supports (iOS, Android, etc).
closed account (1yR4jE8b)

That's kindof roundabout don't you think? And it still wouldn't be portable. You'd be better off using the .NET bindings of SFML.
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Not sure if true, but I heard that XNA games aren't accepted by game development companies in a portfolio. I think I heard it from someone here, actually.
Thanks for the help guys :D and chrisname if you could show me the thread or something like that I would be really grateful :)
closed account (S6k9GNh0)

Maybe but there's no reason it can't be a potential solution. Plus you'd be contributing to a project.
chrisname wrote:
Not sure if true, but I heard that XNA games aren't accepted by game development companies in a portfolio. I think I heard it from someone here, actually.

If this is true then shame on the companies. Personally, I can't see it being a de facto opinion of all companies; they'll all have different entry criteria and I'm sure some would consider it experience.

This is on the presumption that, given the industry is pretty much C++ as standard (mobile development and a few other platforms excluded), the XNA projects included in the portfolio are supplementary to C++ work.
What I'd be concerned about is support. XNA has been pretty much all but completely abandoned by Microsoft, it won't be getting any updates, it's not supported by the newest version of visual studio, won't be supported at all on Windows 8, etc... Any bugs in the current implementation of XNA won't ever get fixed. Your software will also run only on Windows.

That's the first time I ever heard of that. Not that I followed MS news lately, but do you mind telling me where you got that from?

Well it's a rumor that Windows 8 won't support XNA , however I'm not sure XNA is abandoned
If I did hear it here, I doubt I'd be able to find it again. It would've been a long time ago. Also, I might've made it up. But I think I remember someone mentioning it. And I think it was someone here. I'm just not sure.

iHutch105 wrote:
If this is true then shame on the companies.

I think the rationale was that it does too much for you, or something. Although it's kind of a different ballpark, it's similar to the rationale for rejecting GameMaker games (I'm assuming they do reject GameMaker games, I don't actually know they do, but I would imagine so).
Thanks for the help ! :D I've made my mind and I'll go with C++ + SFML :)
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