Question may be about gsl-1.7

Dear all,

I am novice to programming in Unix so my question may be trivial. Thanks for your attention!

I am trying to run a program in Unix.
The program asked to compile some files by using 'make -k filename' to make executable files.
I had to change something in one of the source file which is the folder address so that the program can link to
the correct folder.
The program also uses gsl-1.7, since I see that it tried to link to gsl-1.7/lib

So I tried to download gsl-1.7 from
I installed gsl following the INSTALL instruction. It includes unzipping the file using 'tar', run './configure' and wait, run 'make' and wait, and lastly run 'make check > log2>&1' to check for error.

After installing gsl, I tried to run the package by 'make -k filename' but it cannot link to some functions in gsl.
I checked the gsl-1.7 folder but it does not have any 'lib', 'include' directory.

In more detail, when I called the 'make -k filename', it shows some commands and messages:

g++ -I/nv/hp16/tung3/DNABEND_1.1/include -I/nv/hp16/tung3/gsl-1.7/include -O2 -L/usr/local/packages//mvapich2/tmp/ccv24Qh5.o

In function 'Diff(Geom&, int, int, double, int)':
esolve.c: (.text+0x64): undefined reference to 'gsl_matrix_fread'


So I think there may be something wrong with the installation of gsl since it cannot refer to the function in gsl.
I want to ask if you can give me any hint for this problem.

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