Opening a new terminal window(GCC termios)

Howdy folks!

New to this forum and this is my 1st thread so bear with me.

I have a program that prints the Fibonacci numbers by an unsigned integer given at the command line staring from 0 to n. So what I seek to do is to open a new gnome-terminal shell window and print the out put in that new terminal window. Now it uses the fork() function to start a new process but is there another way to open a terminal window besides the System() function?

What I've been trying is:

int exit_status = system("gnome-terminal")

This opens a new terminal window alright but using a pipe to write the output in terminal doesn't work: That is, the output is displayed in the command terminal that I typed the execution command.

So how do I used termios struct to create a new terminal window, open it, and then get the handle to send output to it?
Might try something like:

It's kind of weird behavior. Not going to work in a non-graphical environment. I would rather just send output to a log file.
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I like helios's solution -- start a new process and pipe to it to use it's terminal.

His version is for Windows:

But the concept will work for *nix too. You just need to make sure that you spawn a new process that is not attached to your current terminal, but attaches to its own.

I have no idea if what I am about to say is correct or not -- but Linux boxen tend to have multiple terminals sessions available whether or not you are using X, so it might be possible to do this without X. (But why bother?)

I had a look at helios's solution and that uses Windows C++ code. But what about Linux?
As I said, you would have to convert his code to use *nix functions to create a new process. I haven't done it, so I don't know how.

You will have to make sure you spawn a new process, disconnect from its controlling terminal, then set it as a new session leader (man 2 setsid). On Linux, at least, you can get a new controlling terminal by opening a terminal session.

You can probably read more here

But... now that we've gotten this far... wouldn't it just be simpler to open a window with a text control in it, and then write to the text control? A very simple ostream class could be made to output to the control instead of the tty or a file.

Whatever the case, Good luck!
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