changing colors in geany

Dear all,

I have started using geany, which seems to be avery good editor for c++ programming.

There is one feature, however, that I have not been able to customize:

I would like to change the background color of text between brackets when a bracket is selected (either opening or closing).

In the menu view->editor->color schemes I can only choose between default or alternate, but I have not found a panel for full color customization.

Does anyone know whether it is possible to do it, and how?

Thanks in advance,
You probably have to manually edit the current colorscheme file. Here are some links that may help:
Also once you use Linux more, you will hear that Emacs and Vim are better text editors. You can check them out. You need to actually learn using them, because these are completely new for someone who is not used to them, but after learning, they can be efficient, powerful and useful.
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