Clearing console?

OS:Ubuntu 12.04

any one know how to clear the console efficiently?
im running a console along my opengl app and need to print some variables out to the console for debugging. and i dont want it spam full of everything. anyone know how to clear under linux?
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i just set up ncurses. and understand everything except how to print a float. and cant find anywhere that says how
You can use printw() (similar to use to printf()).
You realize that your debugger is there for this exact purpose, right? You should definitely learn how to use that, and stop outputting a bunch of random variables. Program output (besides info for the user) should all be confined to log files, which really just describe the state of the program and description of errors that happen. Checking variable values is a job for the debugger. It's pretty easy to use the debugger through an IDE like Code:Blocks.
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