Ti AM335x -- Embedded Linux -- Interrupts

Dear all,

Short intro of my problem. On my embedded system I'm reading receiving and sending can messages. For those can messages there needs to be a timed sequence.

I have more experience with microcontrollers, where you have the abbility to make use of time based interrupts. So my first though is, let's used time based interrupts to time can messages. I don't know if it is even possible to do this in embedded Linux.

So I will briefly explain the can sequence.

1 -> cansend 712#00
2 -> Wait until can message 000#01.12 is received
3 -> Wait until can message 712#1B is received. At the same time, run a timer of 0.06s .

--> if can message 712#1B is received --> send 712#05
--> if timer with 0.06s is finished, interrupt everything and send can message 192#...data...

So how should I program the "time based interrupt" if possible.

Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,
Toon Mertens

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