Need help on audio fingerprinting

Hello everyone!
I wish to write a c++ program to compare audio files. The purpose is to check whether there is any redundant music files in a computer. Suppose that somebody has stored the same song with 2 different file names having different file sizes. Can we recognize these duplicate copies?
Could you please someone can help me? Will you please forward me the source code or library file information for that?
Oh yes, but this is not easy. I don't know how to do this in detail.
But you have to 'fingerprint' the music. Maybe in high-low frequency
or loudness or something like that.
That's because you have two different file sizes (size_of) and two different
names (filepattern). So you don't have much. Good luck..!
I don't know how you should do it but, i think yuo should play the 2 sample's in you program and the let it look for duplicate part's don't forget, some song's have remixes so then some parts will be the same but it will still me just a diffrent song, so you need to break up the file get the different freqeuncy's and loudness en compare those. mayby make a hash of like every 15 sec so you can store it in a db for faster screening. else it has to play every file against any other file so it will grow exponationaly

2 songs means 1 time
4 songs means 6 times
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