linking GSL library

i'm pretty much a novice in dealing with UNIX systems, and am currently having a trouble using a library that i downloaded. Without going into the detail of my actual code, the problem i'm faced with is that i just don't know how to link the library that i downloaded to the source code.

is there anybody to enlighten me?
any help would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
you need to

A) have gsl installed properly (this should be covered at their web site)
B) pass to g++ a reference to the lib directory where the gsl libraries are located (probably something like /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, these should both be default locations for the linker to search), and also to where the header files are, and also tell the linker to do the linking.
g++ -o <name of executable> -L/path/to/gsl/libs -I/path/to/headers -lgsl <name of source file>

the -L tells it where to find the libraries (.so files on linux, .dylib on OS X), -I tells it where to find the headers, -l (that's a lower case L) tells it to link to the library, which would be named or libgsl.dylib.

First just try adding the -lgsl flag, then if it can't find (or .dylib), add the -L flag. NOTE: /path/to/gsl/libs and /path/to/headers are not what you should literally put in there, but replace them with the actual paths on your system.

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