installing libarys

sup buddies I just got the QT library and i have no idea how to install it. ive installed the allegro library but that was on windows so its a little different. i really don't want to hose things up so this would really help.
In case you're using a Debian-based Linux distribution, install the package libqt4-dev.
You should probably also install qtcreator, as it makes developing Qt applications easier.
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i mean like where do i put the file like i know include goes in include but their are other files that i don't know where they go.
By installing the package I mentioned all files go to the correct directories automatically, so Qt will be ready for use.
I am pretty sure there are installation files for windows and mcOX also. So on whatever OS you are in use the default procedure for installing Qt libraries.
If you visit Qt site there explanations on this.

What do you mean you got Qt library? You didn't download it? There should be binaries files for this purpose.

And surely install Qt creator also as @Athar mentioned
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