>>>>How to Get Currently Executing Instructions in Operating Systems<<<<

I want to know which instruction is processed by Operating Systems currently. Can i take copy of these instructions ? Is it so... Is it possible to execute this instructions again?

K Kanagaram
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Erm... be more specific on "instructions" ... millions (if not billions) of instructions get processed every second.
If you meant processes then you should know that there are a lot of processes running but most of them just wait for some event to trigger them and then they process some data. Otherwise they "sleep"

I cannot help you on how to interact with c++ about this though.
Now I understood how much difficult that task and I think most probably it is not possible...

Thanks For Your Comments
Almost anything is possible... If you really needed to find all the processes/instructions, I am sure the would be an OS hack.
You probably need to be clear about what you want first.
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