makefile variable

all source code file are in the path(/opt/Hi3520_SDK_V1.0.5.0.c2/
mpp_master/sample/hishow888/),a makefile also is here,all lib files
are in the path(/opt/Hi3520_SDK_V1.0.5.0.c2/mpp_master/lib/),makefile
looks like this
LIBS := $(LIB_PATH)/libmpi.a
$(warning test LIBS is $(LIBS ))
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -lpthread -lm -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
when making the makefile,a message(/opt/Hi3520_SDK_V1.0.5.0.c2/
mpp_master/sample/hishow888/../../lib/libmpi.a) is prited .and the
makefile runs ok.
in the path(/opt/Hi3520_SDK_V1.0.5.0.c2/mpp_master/sample/
hishow888/../../lib/),nothing is here,but the makefile runs ok.
I want to know what happened.please
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