Fallout 3 Terminal as a C++ Program

* BY *

//This is a simple c++ version of the fallout 3 Terminal computer password hack.
//For this version I have the password set to AGREE

using namespace std;

int main() {

int n;
int num_attempts = 4;
string your_attempt = " ";
int y;

cout << "ENTER PASSWORD NOW" << endl;

cout << endl;
cout << num_attempts << " ATTEMPT(S) LEFT: ";
for (n=0; n<num_attempts; n++) {
cout << "■"; } cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "0xF4F0 VIRAL 0xF5BC MINES" << endl;
cout << "0cF4FC DARED 0xF5C8 LIKES" << endl;
cout << "0xF508 WIRES 0xF5D4 PARTS" << endl;
cout << "0xF514 LINES 0xF5E0 HAREM" << endl;
cout << "0xF520 LIVES 0xF5EC LINED" << endl;
cout << "0xF52C SORTS 0xF5F8 WARNS" << endl;
cout << "0xF538 AGREE 0xF604 THREW" << endl;
cout << "0xF544 FARMS 0xF610 SIDES" << endl;

do { if (num_attempts > 0) {
cout << " > ";
cin >> your_attempt;
if (your_attempt != "AGREE") {
if (your_attempt == "VIRAL" || your_attempt == "LINES" || your_attempt == "LIVES" || your_attempt == "SORTS" || your_attempt == "FARMS" || your_attempt == "MINES" || your_attempt == "LIKES" || your_attempt == "PARTS" || your_attempt == "LINED" || your_attempt == "WARNS" || your_attempt == "SIDES" ) {
cout << "Incorrect! " << "1/5 Characters Right" << endl;}
else { cout << "Incorrect! " << "2/5 Characters Right" << endl;}}
num_attempts = num_attempts - 1;
cout << num_attempts << " ATTEMPT(S) LEFT: ";
for (n=0; n<num_attempts; n++) {
cout << "■"; } cout << endl;
} while (your_attempt != "AGREE" && num_attempts != 0);

if ( your_attempt == "AGREE" ) {
cout << "Exact Match! +75 XP" << endl; }
else {
cout << "You have been temporarily locked out! Contact the Administrator!" << endl; }

return 0;

Any Ideas on how to make this program even better???
wrap in [_code_] blocks?
It's not very good code to begin with. The password is hardcoded, and the password check is redundant and slow.

I recommend you to start from scratch.
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