Thread Local Storage


I am trying to write a program that holds a particular unique value to each thread and ability to access this unique value at any time.
I have been using the boost::thread_specific_ptr : but not having much luck..
below is a snapshot:

class LogId



LogId(string id)

: id_ (id)






string getId()


return id_;



string id_;


static boost::thread_specific_ptr<LogId> ptrId_;

inline void SetTrLogId(const string& id)


if (ptrId_.get() == NULL)


ptrId_.reset( new LogId(id) );



inline string getTrLogId()


if (ptrId_.get() == NULL)


return string("");


return ptrId_.get()->getId();


And when I call SetTrLogId(..) to set it up .. and then call getTrLogId() in the same thread (I have compared pid values so I know the same thread).. the
ptrId_.get() always returns null.
Can anyone assist please

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I'm unsure of you're goal or what you're wanting. I don't believe that you've used thread_specific_ptr correctly (specifically that its a global), I also don't think there's any real purpose in your wrapper functions.
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