UNIX/Linux Programming - April 2015 (Page 2)

HOW does WC work ?
when I type in wc file.txt I get something like: 1 1 6 file.txt BUT when i write wc *.txt I get 1 1 6 file1.txt 1 1 1 file2.txt Noti...
[6 replies] Last: thanks...what is a sentry object btw? These terms r too technical as I... (by csstudent123)
cmake, make for creating library??
Hi, i dont quite understand what exactly do we get as a result when we run command cmake and make this Makefile. Than run make and use this makefle to create s...
[2 replies] Last: Tnx for the tip, when I'm going closer to actually writing this app th... (by etrusks)
April 2015 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [mar2015] [may2015]

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