UNIX/Linux Programming - October 2019

Which C/C++ IO write function does not use flush or sync?
Hi, I am running Linux C++ on NAND flash file system which using page to write, any write function directly calling flush or sync or fsyn or fdatasync() or O...
[7 replies] Last: If you aren't directly or indirectly requesting the flush yourself the... (by dhayden)
Best way to check if file abc* exists in a particular directory in C++
I have a specific problem at my hand right now. I have core* files in my /tmp/ folder on linux. I want to know how to check if the file core* exists in /tmp/...
[3 replies] Last: Must you do it in C++? It's trivial with the shell $ if ls abc* > /de... (by dhayden)
by zak100
Getting Error in Omnetpp.ini file
Hi, I am running omnet 5. I am trying to create a project from the documentation: https://docs.omnetpp.org/tutorials/tictoc/part4/ I am getting error i...
[no replies]
Get iface name with only pci location
I have an Dell E6400 running Kubuntu 18.10. This machine has an expresscard slot to which I currently have a wireless card connected. I know the "address" so to...
[1 reply] : https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/catching-a-hot-... (by salem c)
Why is Linking necessary?
I am fairly new to C++, and I've just started to learn my first libraries outside of the STL lib. Just recently I learned about the C++ assembly line for making...
[3 replies] Last: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3322911/what-do-linkers-do https:... (by George P)
recompiling with -fPIC
Hi all, I'm compiling an open source software on Centos7 GPU with gcc-6.0.1, does anyone know how to solve the follosing error? Thanks. [ 67%] Linking CXX e...
[1 reply] : recompiling with -fPIC and check for the missing file libz.so.1 (by Thomas Huxhorn)
For loop running only one time
Hi Following for loop is running one time only .can someone spot what is the issue? g_pShmBuf value is 4 and both i and g_pShmBuf are unsigned int. Rest a...
[1 reply] : It looks OK from the information given. The way I see it, probably one... (by Ganado)
(Function) pointers after plugin unload
Hi, I have a highly dynamic plugin system with a lot of shared function/memory pointers. Each plugin can rely on other (compile time linked) libraries and als...
[2 replies] Last: -Memory pointer should still be valid, shouldn't they?- Why not? On ... (by closed account G8CRjE8b)
GUI programming in Ubuntu in C++
I want to create a Screen Shot application for Ubuntu in C++ but i am not sure from where to start GUI coding. Can someone help me!!
[1 reply] : https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-screenshot Lots of careful study awaits... (by salem c)
what is the meaning about std :: vector < std :: vector <double> > COOR ;
// read the coordinates std :: vector < std :: vector <double> > COOR ;//???????????? for (int Node = 0 ; Node < Rows ; Node++ ){ ...
[3 replies] Last: That line creates an EMPTY 2D vector. Zero rows, zero columns The fi... (by George P)
Bash shell output incorrect with txt file input
Hi, I am new in linux programming, and going to build a bash shell with execvp() . My problem is when I execute my program with command in .txt file as inpu...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, thanks for reply! Yes, I didn't learn read() well, and that's the... (by ray210618)
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