Problem Adding Image to Picturebox

Hi, I have a CLI project in Visual C++ 2010 where I have added a picture box. When I've tried to add an image to the picture box I get this error message when I compile the project:

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Additional information: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "Forms1.Form1.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "Forms" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed."

I also get pointed to this line of code within the main source code:

"this->pictureBox1->Image = (cli::safe_cast<System:rawing::Image^ >(resources->GetObject(L"pictureBox1.Image")));"

How can I get rid of this error and make the picture box function normally? I have managed to use a picture box successfully in this kind of project before so this does appear as unusual to me.
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