Cursor does not show up.

Resource File

RedXCursor CURSOR "redxico1.cur"

Header File


#define REDX_WINDOW 1002
#define REDX_MENU 1007
#define Seth_Dialog 1000007
#define Men2Button1 101
#define Men2Button2 102
#define Men2Button3 103
#define Men2Button4 104
#define Men3Button1 1008
#define Men3Button2 1009
#define Men3Button3 1010
#define Men3Button4 1011
#define Men3Button5 1012
#define Men1Button1 1001
#define Men1Button2 1003
#define Men1Button3 1004
#define Men1Button4 1005
#define Men1Button5 1006
#define RedXCursor 2003

The part of the code that is not working
Take in mine there are no errors.

wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(RedXCursor));
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