best compiler for c++ on windows

i am using borland c++ nowadays.
but i'm facing some problems on it.
i am also having code::blocks but i find it a bit complicated, so i want some suggestions which compiler should i use?

thanks in advance.
If you're only interested in Windows development, use Visual Studio / MSVC - unlike third party compilers, it actually was originally designed to work on Windows ;)
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
+1 for MSVS
Code::Blocks is an IDE. You probably mean GCC.
What exactly are your problems with Borland and what's the problem with Code::Blocks? You could just try using GCC as a compiler while working in your preferred IDE (you can even program in Notepad if you want), or simply going Visual Studio.
Okay for simple english response here.
Use Code Blocks. It is simple enough compiles edits like a pro and the debuger is good. Another thing if you have it installed make sure you have g++ or another compiler. I use codeblocks on linux and love it.

this download comes with everything you need. To start off. Sorry if I'm not helpful. ^_^
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
i am using borland c++ nowadays.

a puppy died somewhere

+1 for MSVS

you mean vc++. vs is an ide

Code::Blocks is an IDE. You probably mean GCC.

code::blocks doesnt mean gcc. it works with a number of compilers

personally i would use the gcc because even if you want to just develop for windows, someone else might want to use your software on another os and it will be built using the right code
I remember c::b comes with GCC by default, so I assumed he's using that. I might be wrong tho
It's the other way around - GCC certainly does not come with Code::Blocks.
The Intel compiler is probably the best for Windows. But most professionals have access to Visual Studio, and just stick with that.
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
you mean vc++. vs is an ide

Okay for simple english response here.
Use Code Blocks. It is simple enough compiles edits like a pro and the debuger is good. Another thing if you have it installed make sure you have g++ or another compiler. I use codeblocks on linux and love it.

this download comes with everything you need. To start off. Sorry if I'm not helpful. ^_^

code blocks is a bit complicated because of many things like, i have to use "std::" with every cout or cin or any other functions in void main and absence of i/ofstream functions etc. i face too many problems with errors "this was not declared in this scope"etc. but anyway, thanks for your suggestion.

thanks everyone. i'm now using visual c++ by MS.
code blocks is a bit complicated because of many things like, i have to use "std::" with every cout or cin or any other functions in void main and absence of i/ofstream functions etc.

You should learn basic things about C++ standard used these days, not continue to use non-standard Borland crap used 20 years ago.
I use vc++ with Code::Blocks and they work together great together. The biggest issue with MingW (the port of GCC to windows) is that it doesn't support the full WinAPI right out of the box so you need to screw around with third party libs if you want to use things like COM.

Your choice of IDE is purely a comfort thing though. But for the actual compiler you'll save yourself a bunch of time just using vc++ or cl.
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You should learn basic things about C++ standard used these days, not continue to use non-standard Borland crap used 20 years ago.

we are taught those things at our school. what can we do?
The biggest issue with MingW (the port of GCC to windows) is that it doesn't support the full WinAPI right out of the box so you need to screw around with third party libs if you want to use things like COM.

That's why I use w32runtime from MinGw-w64, it has updated windows headers, do not use usual MinGW that came with Code::Blocks, it has only partial support for winapi and COM. (usually it is only for windows xp, not later).

MinGW-w64 can create BOTH x86 and x64 binaries, no reason to use outdated MinGW.
Here is another fine MinGW distro:
It is 64/64 but there is an earlier 32bit down the page a ways.
He includes a number of useful libraries: boost, pcre, SDL ....
The pcre is nice because C++11 regex is broken in all the MinGW ports as far as I can tell.

I used this and the TDM-GCC-64 until this week.
I am now testing the Visual Studio 2013 c++ compiler for use with my current project a Basic to c/c++ translator:

Almost all the C++11 is up to date and a number of C99 updates were also added.

I do not use the Visual Studio 2013 IDE or any C++ frameworks. All compiling is done from the command line.

For Windows Development I would always go with MS Visual Studio 20**.
VS. is always better to use with the Windows API, like stated above not all IDE`s have.
Full support for the Windows API out of the box.

If I was doing anything else then specific windows programming I would go with the Qt Creator every time. Its a really great IDE (and Framework ) and if you haven't try it you really should.
It also comes with the Qt Framework that's great for creating cross platform code.

Qt Creator:
Visual Studio Express:
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