Problems with Dev-C++ and MinGW

I have Dev-C++ 5.5.1 and MinGW 4.7.2 on my Windows 7 64 bit computer. I try compiling my code and it compiles but when I run it pops up the console window then shut down but leave a copy of the program running and I can't quit out of it without restarting my laptop. What can I do to fix this issue or what can I use instead to compile my C++ code?


You verified that the process is still running in Task Manager? Can you end it with hitting some stop button in the IDE? Can you kill it with Task Manager?
Yes I verified it and stopped it in my ide but a process was still running. I logged off and back on and thought it would stop it so i could delete the exe file but it wouldn't let me then I restarted and it would let me delete it.
Did Task Manager show it as running?

Sometimes the issue is not that it's running, but that Windows Explorer is trying to load an icon in it but can't. Try using Unlocker Assistant?
Yes task manager did. URL? - This is the official site afaik.

Have you tried another IDE like Code Blocks or VC++?
Yes I did. I tried Code Blocks and it did the exact same thing. I think it also might be a problem with my Antivirus so I have been researching that to. Because that scans every exe file that runs.
There might be a problem with your code...
Some memory leaks/or some char* or something?
Good Luck!
I'm not sure if Dev-C++ is already able to support MinGW 4.7.2.
Also, seeing as you are on a 64bit computer, make sure you are compiling for 32bit.
Compiling for 64bits takes a lot more efforts.
He is using Orwell dev c++ that is, dev c++ 5.5.1
the latest updated version of old dev c++ which comes bundled with MingW 4.7.2
Good Luck!
Well, show some code? Maybe it's somehow related.
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
     cout << "Hello World" << endl;

I can do the same code on another guy in the class computers and he has the same version and it compiles and works fine.
Okay, that's not the problem.
Did you try a full uninstall-reinstall?
Yes I have. I have tried old versions and new and made sure that C++ compilers are off my laptop before installing a new version and it still does the same thing.
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