RAD Studio XE5 cant copile anything


I had to change my IDE to RAD Studio XE5 due to a big project using vcl.lib.
When i try to compile a project i get the following error message on compiling the project file (.cbproj):

[MakeDir] Unable to create directory ".\Win64\P:\ORPC\ORACLE\CONFIG.ORA\." The given paths format is not supported.

After i found out how to change the environment variables (Tools->Options) i changed it manually to (since i have no writing permission on p) :

[MakeDir] Unable to create directory ".\Win64\C:\ORPC\ORACLE\CONFIG.ORA\." The given paths format is not supported.

...but im still getting the same error. Why cant i even compile a simple form application or some sort of Hello World program with this IDE? Please help me.
I should also mention that i already tried to reinstall. And i googled the error for like 4 hours....

Maybe im just too blind right now? What am i doing wrong. I have never had such problemes with an IDE before.
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