Help with making a bot/(exe)program file for a game?

Okay so there is a game, called endless online. It's a 2D game and many people bot (automated training or whatever you want to call it).
Many people have made "bots" on there using c++ coding, they range from standing there attacking npc's and gaining exp to level up to completed repetitive quests and looping so they keep doing that quest.
I'm interested in attempting to make my own but have no idea where to begin. I've watched some of these tutorials (how to make a calculator, hello world and so on) but I'm afraid they wont help me in constructing this programming for this particular game.
What I'm looking to make is a bot/program that completes a quest and keeps on doing it and looping. i know its possible because one person (yes only one in the whole game), has constructed one but will not share how he did it.
if anyone could help me i'd be extremely grateful.

-Thanks Dylan.
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