Hooking into rendering

I don't really know much about hooking into programs (only just found out what it is) but I understand the basic principle.

I've noticed their's some Windows API code to hook into applications so that you can intercept system call but I imagine with Windows it limits you to only hooking into the system event call procedures.

Anyways, I want to know if it's possible (and how) to hook into an application at the point just after an app has asked OpenGL or DirectX to render it's scene (taking a computer game for example) and then get back the pixels that's just been rendered.

I suppose firstly this is provided that there's a way to get back what you've just rendered but I believe the screen can be taken from the buffer queue if you've not told the rendering program to clear the buffers.

I need a lot of guidance with this, thanks in advance.
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VNC applications usually install a driver on the system and pull the data right from the video buffer. Pulling data per application would just be micromanaging.

Ultra VNC is nice enough to post their source code if it helps: http://ultravnc.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ultravnc/
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