FLTK C:\20140707\Projekte\Makefile.win [Build Error] [Projekt1.exe] Error 1

At first let me tell you that I am an austrian student so sorry for my englisch ;)
I have a big problem with dev c++.. I have an error like you see in the title.

That´s the Code.cxx file:

#include "Code.h"
#include <windows.h>

Fl_Double_Window* make_window() {
Fl_Double_Window* w;
{ Fl_Double_Window* o = new Fl_Double_Window(115, 100);
w = o;
{ new Fl_Button(25, 45, 64, 20, "button");
} // Fl_Button* o
{ new Fl_Button(25, 25, 64, 20, "button");
} // Fl_Button* o
} // Fl_Double_Window* o
return w;

That´s the Code.h file:

#ifndef Code_h
#define Code_h
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
Fl_Double_Window* make_window();

thanks !
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