Setting textbox backcolor from an array of #RRGGBB HTML style colors

I need to create an array or indexed list of system drawing colors and then set the background colors of a series of text boxes to various colors based on an integer index. Pseudo code:

System::Drawing::color BGcolors[4] = {"#FFFFFF","#FFC5C5","#60FF60","#87CEEB"};
int color = 2;
this->textbox1->BackColor = BGcolors[color];
this->textbox2->BackColor = BGcolors[1];

My code is in Visual Studio 2008, C++, Windows Form Application. What is the proper syntax to add this code to the Form1.h file?
array of managed object.
array<System::Drawing::Color>^ colorArray = gcnew array<System::Drawing::Color>(2);
				 colorArray[0] = Color::Red;
				 colorArray[1] = Color::Bisque;
				 textBox1->BackColor = colorArray[0];
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